PSA: If You Drink, Don’t Drive This Holiday Season

June 8, 2022

In between the carols and the cocoa, the It’s a Wonderful Life marathon and 24 hours of A Christmas Story, consider watching a video (or three) that could save your life. Every year, organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), state liquor control boards, and local law enforcement agencies create and release public service announcements designed to educate the public about the dangers of drunk driving. This issue is as important this year as it is every year. Consider the following PSAs, and remember: If you’re going to drink this holiday season, don’t drive.

Drive high… on life. But not otherwise.

It’s a sad truth that during each holiday season, thousands of Americans are killed by drunk drivers. “One drink before you go” is not worth the consequences. Stay home, call a cab, or:

Call US Sedan for a sober ride this Christmas.

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